Moods & Inspirations … slow stitching – Textile Art –

“Panier fleuri” – Silks, laces, beads
“La corbeille” : silk and laces – large size
Le monogramme
“Aquatique” – Hand embroidery-Antique silks and laces – Large size
Drawing of Picasso, transformed in embroidery
A drawing found in a book – hand stitching / Un dessin trouvé dans un livre – brodé main
Une fleur oubliée tomba du livre ….. A forgotten flower in a book, years ago !
Awaiting Spring
“Stay steady in the agitation”
Fantasy in circles
Collage and slow stitching
The eye
Fabric collage and slow stitching
The dreaming cat
The Key
The Ram
Orange Fancy – slow stitching
The blue butterfly (detail)
The Blue Butterfly – fabric framed
The Garden – 1
The Garden – 2
The Garden

… dragonfly …

… herbs life

Insects on a patched backround
Playing with Curves
Moon Dust
The race
Celtic Heart – 1
Celtic Heart – 2
Dans mon jardin : le fourmilion